We have not reported on the 2013-14 theft from the Hillsboro PTO here but wanted to let everyone know that Billie Sue Barker, former Hillsboro PTO treasurer, pleaded guilty on Thursday and agreed to pay back the monies that were identified as stolen over a scheduled re-payment plan. The first $15,000 will be paid back by August 4, 2017, in the schedule that was laid out by the Williamson County District Attorney’s office in court at the time of the plea. The remaining $7,887.94 will then be paid on a schedule as determined by Barker’s probation officer. The case was scheduled to go to trial today.
Former WCSB member Susan Curlee and many of her allies spent nearly two years going to great lengths to falsely smear Williamson Strong with this crime. Curlee insinuated our involvement in this theft to the public, to law enforcement, to the District Attorney, to the media, and the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance. Her allies even worked with Barker’s defense attorney recently to suggest Williamson Strong’s involvement in the theft.
This theft completely wiped out the PTO funds at the small K-8 school, and the Hillsboro PTO board stated last week that they are “thrilled to be able to support the students at Hillsboro with these recovered funds and are gracious to the Williamson County District Attorney’s office for their diligence in this case.”
See also Anatomy of a Smear Campaign.
Emails to Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference, December 2014 – January 2015
“I do have additional evidence linking the superintendent of schools to the activities of an unregistered political organization & misusing county resources for political purposes. There is also concern that he may be covering for the organization’s member, who is president of a PTO missing funds in excess of $20,000.” – Susan Curlee, 12/18/2014

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“A member of Williamson Strong is also president elect of a PTO that is missing in excess of $20,000.” “Officers in PTO w/ missing $20k+ (Jennifer Smith & Kim Henke)” – Susan Curlee, January 2015

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“PTO Theft: I’ve also provided documents to the Williamson Co Sheriff’s office this week and had a conversation with Sheriff Long last night. Mike Looney basically told the board not to look into a theft at a local PTO in excess of $20,000.. The PTO president elect at Hillsboro, Jennifer Smith, is a founder of Williamson Strong… I found that odd and as mentioned, have turned the documents over to the Williamson County Sheriff’s office. I spoke to the sheriff last night and he is turning the documents over to the investigator… ” – Susan Curlee, 1/10/15

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Emails to District Attorney Kim Helper’s Office, December 2015
“Those involved with the organization were also involved with the Hillsboro PTO” – Susan Curlee, 12/5/15

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“Is it possible PTO funds were used to build an elaborate website? The money came from somewhere & receipts have never been produced.” – Susan Curlee, 12/5/15

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“I specifically forwarded it to your attention as it may be relevant to the Hillsboro PTO theft case.” – Susan Curlee, 12/8/15

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“There is no evidence that any of the funds involved in the alleged theft were used by Williamson Strong.” – Williamson County District Attorney Kim Helper, 12/9/15

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