If you care about strong public schools in Williamson County, it is imperative that you be informed, be engaged, and VOTE!

2012 WCSB Election (odd districts)
The last election for the odd WCSB districts was in August 2012; turnout was an abysmal 13.27%.
2014 WCSB Election (even districts)
In 2014, the turnout jumped to 20.22% (still pathetic), and that was a much bigger election year with many high-profile races. In fact, August 2014 was the largest Election Day ballot in Williamson County history. It included gubernatorial and Congressional primaries as well as a battle for the U.S. Senate seat largely between Lamar Alexander and Joe Carr. There were also Republican primary contests in State House District 61 between Charles Sargent and Steve Gawrys and in District 63 between Glen Casada and Cherie Hammond. August 2014 was the general election for all 12 County Commission districts (24 seats), and there were elections for each party’s state executive committee and numerous judicial elections. So the even-numbered school board positions had plenty of company on the ballot!
2016 WCSB Election (odd districts plus District 4)
This year the ballots (Republican, Democratic) are much simpler with contested Republican House primaries only in Districts 61 (Steve Gawrys, Charles Sargent, and Terrence Smith) and 65 (Jeremy Durham (suspended campaign) and Sam Whitson). There are a handful of judicial seats for consideration. Otherwise, the main event is the WCSB election.
Please get out and vote, and take a friend!
Election Day is the day before school starts – skip the lines and vote early!
July 15-30: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon
Williamson County Administrative Complex (1320 West Main, Franklin)
Brentwood Library
July 25-29: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 30, 8 a.m. to noon
Fairview Rec Center
Nolensville Rec Center
Spring Hill Rec Center
Election Day: Thursday, August 4, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Check here for your polling location.
For a one-stop shop for profiles of all of the WCSB candidates with links to their social media, questionnaires, endorsements and financials, district maps, and more, check out our Updated 2016 WCSB Election Roundup. Think carefully about whether you want more of the 2014 election or less and whether you want a Tea Party/912-controlled board or not.

(Click to enlarge)
Below is a list of endorsements (written, monetary, or campaign event hosts) by elected officials and former elected officials:
D1 Angela Durham – Former District 1 WCSB member Ken Peterson, retired Fairview Middle School Principal Gary Shrader
D3 Kim Little – Spring Hill Mayor Rick Graham, WCSB member PJ Mezera (campaign treasurer)
D3 Eliot Mitchell – Spring Hill Aldermen Jonathan Duda, Bruce Hull, Amy Wurth and Susan Zemek; District 11 County Commissioner Brian Beathard, former WCSB member Vicki Vogt
D4 Anne McGraw (incumbent) – County Mayor Rogers Anderson,13 Williamson County Commissioners (D2 Judy Herbert and Betsy Hester, D3 Matt Milligan and David Pair, D5 Lew Green and Tommy Little, D6 Paul Webb, D7 Tom Bain, D8 Jack Walton, D10 Matt Williams, D11 Brian Beathard, D12 Dana Ausbrooks and Steve Smith), former WCSB member Vicki Vogt
D4 Joey Czarneski – Franklin Alderman Bev Burger, District 4 County Commissioners Kathy Danner and Gregg Lawrence
D5 Gary Anderson (incumbent) – County Mayor Rogers Anderson, District 5 County Commissioners Tommy Little and Lew Green, former WCSB member Vicki Vogt, former FSSD board member Kent McNish
D7 Bobby Hullett (incumbent) – District 7 County Commissioners Tom Bain and Bert Chalfant, former WCSB member Vicki Vogt
D9 Rick Wimberly (incumbent) – Former WCSB members Vicki Vogt and Barry Watkins
D11 KC Haugh – District 11 County Commissioner Brian Beathard, Franklin Aldermen Pearl Bransford, Margaret Martin and Mike Skinner, former WCSB members Vicki Vogt and Eric Welch, FSSD board member Alicia Barker, former FSSD board member Kent McNish
